
Pralus au salon du Chocolat 2024

Pralus at the 2024 Chocolate Show

A regular at the Paris Chocolate Show for over 25 years, Pralus will be present at Porte de Versailles from October 30 to November 3, 2024 for this event which brings together all the players in th...

Hommage à nos médaillés du travail

Tribute to our work medalists

Longevity in the company in the spotlight at Pralus. Five work medalists decorated for 20 and 30 years in the company.

Comment Pralus est devenu un grand nom du chocolat

How Pralus became a big name in chocolate

Bean to bar chocolate has been a specialty of Pralus for almost 40 years.

Comment déguster la Praluline?

How to taste Praluline?

Praluline is most often eaten on its own, but there are many ways to accompany it. Here are just a few.

Une gamme de glaces et sorbets faits maison et bio

A range of homemade and organic ice creams and sorbets

When the temperatures rise, melt for Pralus ice creams and sorbets! In half-liters or small pots, this range of organic ice creams and sorbets, churned in our Roanne laboratories, is available in o...

Carré de Café : du café à croquer, en tablette !

A great first: Coffee you can chew, on a tablet!

Born in 2017, Carré de Café® was born from the gourmet imagination of journalist Vincent Ferniot who was able to find in his friend François Pralus the know-how necessary to bring his idea to frui...

RSE: un jardin en permaculture à la Manufacture de Roanne

CSR: a permaculture garden at the Manufacture de Roanne

After planting cocoa and pepper trees in Madagascar, Maison François cultivates its garden in town, with its employees. In Roanne, corporate culture also rhymes with ecology and permaculture.

Du cacao dans le jardin de la maison Pralus à Roanne

Cocoa in the garden of the Pralus house in Roanne

Recycle waste from chocolate manufacturing. This is what the Pralus house practices in Roanne in its permaculture garden with cocoa bean skins.

La recette de la Praluline perdue !

Lost Praluline Recipe

Immerse yourself in the heart of the deliciousness of the Lyon Street Food Festival 2024 with our creation approved by nearly 5,000 festival-goers: the Praluline Perdue.

La Praluline version street au Lyon Street Food festival

The Praluline street version at the Lyon Street Food festival

Pour sa première participation au Lyon Street Fod festival, la maison Pralus a proposé une Praluline perdue, plébiscitée par 5 000 festivaliers. Une recette que nous vous partageons aujourd'hui.

Portes ouvertes au jardin d'entreprise Pralus

Open doors to the garden

A partner since the beginning of the “100% pleasure 100% health” event led by the city of Roanne, the Pralus house opened the doors of its corporate garden to the public on the first Sunday in June.

Un packaging plus responsable

More responsible packaging

Less plastic and French manufacturing. In recent years, Pralus has embarked on a complete overhaul of its packaging, to favor eco-responsible and recyclable materials.

Le Mini-Sac: la sélection de François Pralus

The Mini-Sac: the selection of François Pralus

Mini but well-stocked, the new version of the Mini-bag contains a wide range of Pralus know-how.

La Praluline dans son coffret: la Pralubox

Praluline in its box: the Pralubox

Praluline® presented in a new eco-responsible box, made from recyclable cardboard.

Pralus: le chocolat d'un aventurier du cacao

Pralus: the chocolate of a cocoa adventurer

The name Pralus is inseparable from Praluline, but chocolate has propelled the reputation of the Pralus house beyond the town of Roanne where it is made, from the bean to the bar.

Ode à la pistache

Ode to pistachio

A delicacy for centuries in the Middle East, where it originated, the pistachio is one of the pearls of confectionery and pastries. We use it at Pralus with the chocolate that coats pralines and ga...

La Pyramide des tropiques a fêté ses 20 ans

The Pyramid of the Tropics celebrates its 20th anniversary

Flagship product of the Pralus house, the Pyramide des Tropiques was created by François Pralus in 2003. A world tour of flavors in ten origins and an invitation to travel to the lands of cocoa pl...

La praline, l’or rose de la maison Pralus

Praline, the pink gold of Pralus

The Pralus de Roanne Manufacture is also recognized for the quality of its finely roasted pralines, almonds and hazelnuts coated with pink sugar. This candy marked the history of the house since i...

Pralines de Lyon

Pralines from Lyon

Made for more than sixty years in the Pralus turbines, pink pralines are inseparable from our famous Praluline, but also delicious treats.

Salon du chocolat 2022: la robe d'Agatines

Chocolate Salon: Agatines' dress

For the 2022 edition of the Salon du Chocolat, François Pralus entrusted the creation of the traditional dress to his son Hugo.

François Pralus décoré par Emmanuel Macron

François Pralus decorated by Emmanuel Macron

In October 2021, the President of the Republic stopped at the Pralus boutique in Montbrison to present François Pralus with the insignia of Knight in the National Order of Merit.

Praline et Choco, les mascottes chez Pralus

Praline and Choco, our mascots

The Pralus house is pleased to present Praline, a young border collie and Choco, her Australian shepherd companion.

Les cacaoyers de Roanne

The cocoa trees of Roanne

Snug in the garden greenhouse, our two cocoa trees were covered in flowers in spring!

Click&collect dans toutes les boutiques

Click&collect in all stores

During the health crisis, we remain by your side!
